Hi. Thanks for your great articles! I really enjoyed them. This information can be added to this article:

"Since Solidity 0.8, the overflow/underflow check is implemented on the language level - it adds the validation to the bytecode during compilation.

You don't need the SafeMath library for Solidity 0.8+. You're still free to use it in this version, it will just perform the same validation twice (one on the language level and one in the library)."

Keep up the good work! I look forward to the next article in the series.

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Thank you for your valuable comment. We appreciate your input, and we've noticed that the specific detail we mentioned has caused some confusion among newcomers, even though we touched upon it in previous discussions. Keeping in mind that we're at a beginner's level, we're planning to address that detail in the upcoming series to help alleviate any conceptual complexities for those who are new to the topic. Your reminder is truly invaluable, and we extend our gratitude once again. Kinds.

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